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Newsbreak Chats: Why Filipinos should care about Israel and Palestine

MANILA, Philippines – While the Philippines is geographically distant from Israel, the ongoing conflict has the potential to reverberate in economic, cultural, and foreign relations between the two countries, highlighting the interconnectedness of nations in today’s globalized world.

Amid distressing reports of Israeli neighborhoods being destroyed and residents being held captive by Hamas militants, the situation of the tens of thousands of Filipino migrant workers in Israel has frequently been overlooked.

In the latest episode of Newsbreak Chats, Rappler news editor Paterno Esmaquel II talks with Rappler multimedia reporter Bea Cupin, who has covered the ongoing conflict, and Rappler researcher-writer Jezreel Ines, who wrote a story on the difficult situation of overseas Filipino workers (OFW) in Israel.

They will explore the multifaceted aspects of the conflict, its humanitarian dimensions, and the need for solidarity and informed engagement within the Filipino community.

Watch Newsbreak Chats on Thursday, October 26, at 4 pm. –